Monday, December 16, 2013

Judeo-Christian Theological Edifice and an Epistemological and Ontological Construct

The Judeo-Christian theological edifice rests partly upon a valid epistemological and ontological construct, which is predicated on certain assumptions a priori that are self-evident and knowable, within the confines of normal cognitive experience.
 We refer to epistemology, here, as a systemic construct of certain principles upon which knowledge and knowability is intellectually supported and validated within the limits of normal cognitive apprehension.
Furthermore, all abstraction that is predicated upon that systemic epistemological construct is valid and verifiable if and only if that abstraction is consistent with the systemic epistemological rules; otherwise the abstractions are arbitrary because they are thus inconsistent with, and foreign to, the systemic rules of the epistemological construct.  
Thus new knowledge must obtain from prior knowledge that is validated according to the epistemological construct. This principle is referred to here as philosophical necessity.  With regards to logical statements we may state that the explandicum must obtain from the explanatory premises in such a way that those premises obtained from prior philosophical necessity.

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